

搖籃輕輕搖曳中,生命展開篇章, 是一個從黎明到黃昏的壯碩旅程。 旅程是起於生命的溫柔起點, 而終點,位於靈魂道別所在。 In the cradle's gentle sway, life embarks its way, A journey vast from dawn to twilight's gray. The distance between life's tender start, And the finish line, where souls depart. 這個開展,是張精心紡出的掛毯, 透過一縷一縷的經驗,美好完成。 在喜悅與眼淚交織的每個片刻, 畫出了有著希望與恐懼的畫布。 This span, a tapestry finely spun, With threads of experience, brightly done. Moments woven with joy and tears, A canvas painted with hopes and fears. 我們每踏出一步,都會學到一課, 經由那共享的笑聲與焚毀的橋樑。 從天真無瑕的黎明, 來到智慧、冷靜與篤定的暮光。 Each step we take, a lesson learned, Through laughter shared and bridges burned. From the dawn of innocence pure, To the twilight of wisdom, calm and sure. 越過的距離並不只有時間, 這是爬山而我們勇敢爬上, 陰影掩住縱谷深, 野花開在田園間。 The distance traversed is not just time, It's the climb of mountains we daringly climb, The valleys deep where shadows loom, And the fields where wildflowers bloom. 每一次心跳,都訴說著一個故事, 關於打過的戰役以及大膽的夢想。 關於愛的甜蜜低語以及強烈衝突。 關於在那黑暗之中,尋找著光明。 In every heartbeat, a story told, Of battles f


Your prayer is a spiritual transaction with the Divine—a moment where your inner essence reaches out to the universe's infinite wisdom. When you pray, you're not merely reciting words or following a ritual; you are engaging in a profound and intimate exchange with the Divine presence that permeates all existence. Imagine for a moment that every prayer is a seed. As you plant this seed in the fertile soil of the cosmic consciousness, it is nourished by your faith, sincerity, and intention. The Divine, like a nurturing gardener, tends to this seed, transforming it into growth, manifestation, and sometimes even miracles. This process is not always immediate or evident, but much like the cycles of nature, it operates in harmony with the universe's rhythms. In this spiritual transaction, you contribute your hopes, fears, gratitude, and desires. Through this offering, you acknowledge the limitations of your mortal perspective and open yourself to the boundless potential of divine


ZH-TW 當你醒來,世界會以你從未想過的方式轉化。你帶著清晰與信念看待生命,明白自身意識的深邃程度。在這樣的清醒狀態中,你領悟到萬物的互聯性,那些讓我們合為一體的共有夢想與恐懼。 隨著這個新的覺醒來到,批判就如同朝陽之下的暗影般消逝不見。你不再感到需要批判與譴責那些仍在舊的模式與觀點中沈睡的人們。你理解到每個人都走在自身獨一無二的旅程上,以自己的速度覺醒。慈悲會從過往批判的根源所在開出花朵。沈睡中的人並不是比較糟糕;他們只是處在覺醒發生過程中的不同階段。 在你的清醒狀態下,你發自本能地給出耐心與理解。你成為一座燈塔,散發出希望與愛,輕柔地引導他人走向他們自身的覺醒。你會有一股祥和的自信知道,光,是無法被強迫的;光,必須是以輕柔的方式鼓舞,直到從內在發散出來。 當你持續在自身的道途上,你會在領悟中找到平靜,知道這趟旅程並不是關於別人覺知的程度,而是關於你如何持續茁壯並擴展你自己。帶著開放的心胸以及清楚的腦袋,你放掉批判,並擁抱一個充滿同理與感恩的生命。 EN As soon as you awake, the world transforms in ways you never imagined. You see life with clarity and purpose, realizing the profound depths of your own consciousness. In this awakened state, you grasp the interconnectedness of all beings, the shared dreams and fears that unite us. With this newfound awareness, judgment fades away like shadows in the morning light. You no longer feel the need to critique or condemn those who remain asleep in their old patterns and perceptions. You understand that everyone is on their own unique journey, waking up at their own


Freedom is often envisioned as a vast, open landscape where possibilities stretch endlessly before us. It encompasses the right to choose, the ability to forge our own paths, and the autonomy to live according to our values and desires. However, within this expansive realm of freedom, there is also a profound commitment and responsibility—one that offers nearly no opportunity for withdrawal. The Unyielding Nature of True Freedom True freedom is not a fleeting privilege that can be easily discarded when convenient. It demands full engagement and an unwavering presence. To embrace freedom is to accept the call to actively participate in the shaping of our lives and our world. It’s a conscious decision to step into the arena, to take risks, to make choices, and to face the consequences of those choices. Once we lay claim to our freedom, the concept of withdrawing from it becomes almost inconceivable. This is because true freedom is intertwined with our very sense of self and purpose. The


Start the Day Thanking for a Day of Love. End the Day Thanking for a Night of Love. — Agni In the quiet prelude of dawn, as the first light breaks through the horizon, there lies a powerful opportunity to set the tone for the day ahead. By starting the day with gratitude, specifically thanking for a day of love, you align yourself with the positive energies and blessings that Agni, the sacred fire, embodies. **Morning Invocation:** As you awaken, take a moment to center yourself. Feel the quiet stillness of the morning and the potential it holds. Begin your day with a simple but profound ritual — light a candle or incense to signify Agni's presence. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and bring your awareness to your heart. With genuine gratitude, say: "Thank you, Divine Agni, for blessing me with a day of love. May my heart be open and receptive to give and receive love in all its forms. Guide me to acts of kindness, patience, and compassion. Let my words be kind, my ac


Today, we emerge from a profound dream, one woven by the essence of our soul and lasting for a time our memory paints as eternal. In the quiet of this dream, we found a sanctuary—our heaven, our truth, and our strength. It was here that we came to understand the depths of our being and the limitless potential that lies within. Now, the time has come for this dream to transition into waking reality, as our call has been answered, beckoning us to rise and fulfill our mission as our truest selves. As we open our eyes, we sense a shift. The world around us is the same, yet something within us has changed. The light of clarity and purpose illuminates our path, dissolving the shadows of doubt and hesitation. The dream, far from being a retreat from reality, has been a profound preparation. It has readied us for this moment when we must step forward and embody the truth we have discovered. The calling that stirred us from our dream is both gentle and insistent, a reminder of who we are and wh


**Whispers of the Soul** In the quiet hush of morning light, Where shadows dance and spirits alight, A whisper calls from deep within, To heal the wounds we’ve held akin. Beneath the stars, where stillness reigns, Lie ancient paths and delicate strains, Of wisdom whispered through the breeze, A melody to hearts at ease. Crystals hum their silent tune, Lit by the glow of a silvery moon, Their colors swirl in spectral light, A dance of hope in the velvet night. The rhythm of a heartbeat's drum, A primal call, a spirit’s hum, Echoes through the depths of space, A cosmic embrace, a gentle grace. Herbs and flowers, nature’s gift, In their essence, spirits lift, With every sip of the earthen brew, A healing touch, forever true. In the river’s flow and mountain’s sigh, In the clouds that drift across the sky, There lies a power, pure and free, A boundless source of sanctity. Sound waves ripple in the air, A symphony beyond compare, Each note a balm, each chord a cure, A resonance that sou