
**Whispers of the Soul**

In the quiet hush of morning light,

Where shadows dance and spirits alight,

A whisper calls from deep within,

To heal the wounds we’ve held akin.

Beneath the stars, where stillness reigns,

Lie ancient paths and delicate strains,

Of wisdom whispered through the breeze,

A melody to hearts at ease.

Crystals hum their silent tune,

Lit by the glow of a silvery moon,

Their colors swirl in spectral light,

A dance of hope in the velvet night.

The rhythm of a heartbeat's drum,

A primal call, a spirit’s hum,

Echoes through the depths of space,

A cosmic embrace, a gentle grace.

Herbs and flowers, nature’s gift,

In their essence, spirits lift,

With every sip of the earthen brew,

A healing touch, forever true.

In the river’s flow and mountain’s sigh,

In the clouds that drift across the sky,

There lies a power, pure and free,

A boundless source of sanctity.

Sound waves ripple in the air,

A symphony beyond compare,

Each note a balm, each chord a cure,

A resonance that souls endure.

With hands that channel, hearts that mend,

Energy flows through every bend,

A sacred dance, a touch divine,

In every heart, the light will shine.

For healing is a path so wide,

Where love and spirit gently guide,

In unity, we find our way,

To brighter dawns and peaceful days.

So listen to the whispers near,

For in your heart, the song is clear,

A journey made with open arms,

In spiritual healing, life's true charms.




